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Windows Vista Step by Step Guide for PPTP VPN

Step 1:

Open the Control Panel.
Open the Control Panel.

Step 2:

Click View network status and tasks.
Click View network status and tasks.

Step 3:

Click Connect to a network.
Click Connect to a network

Step 4:

Click Setup a connection or network.
Click Setup a connection or network.

Step 5:

Select Connect to a workplace and then click next.
Select Connect to a workplace and then click next.

Step 6:

Select Use my Internet connection (VPN).
Select Use my Internet connection (VPN).

Step 7:

Enter the Host Name we provided you in the activation email as the Internet address and for Destination name simply put 24vc. Then check Don’t connect now; just set it up so I can connect later, afterwards hit Next.
Enter the Host Name we provided you in the activation email as the Internet address and for Destination name simply put 24vc.  Then check Don’t connect now; just set it up so I can connect later, afterwards hit Next.

Step 8:

Simply enter the username and password provided in the activation email and then check Remember this password and click create.
Simply enter the username and password provided in the activation email and then check Remember this password and click create.

Step 9:

Click Close without connecting.
Click Close without connecting.

Step 10:

Click on the network icon in the system tray and then click Connect to a network.
Click on the network icon in the system tray and then click Connect to a network.

Step 11:

Click Connect.
Click Connect.

Step 12:

Click Properties.
Click Properties.

Step 13:

Go to the Networking tab.
Go to the Networking tab.

Step 14:

For Type of VPN select Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP).
For Type of VPN select Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP).

Step 15:

Uncheck Internet Protocol Version 6 and File and Printer Sharing. Then click OK.
Uncheck Internet Protocol Version 6 and File and Printer Sharing. Then click OK.

Step 16:

Click Connect.
Click Connect